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Keele University

Keele, Staffordshire, UK, ST5 5BG
+44 1782 621111

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Aplikacja bazodanowa - Oleje i akcesoria
Environment and Facilities
Directory of Campus Facilities and Services

The campus offers a range of academic, welfare, leisure and social facilities, details of which are given in the Directory section following. In addition, the local area offers a wide range of shopping, leisure and entertainment facilities, both in the nearby market town of Newcastle-under-Lyme, and in Hanley, the principal shopping area of the City of Stoke-on-Trent. Further details about the local area can be found on, and .

Keele University, in north west rural Staffordshire, lies in over 600 acres of landscaped parkland, fi elds, woodlands and lakes, and is one of the UK’s largest and most beautiful campuses. Whether you will be resident full-time on campus, or studying part-time, you will fi nd that Keele University is an excellent environment for your postgraduate studies.

Accommodation Campus

Full-time postgraduate students can live on campus. If you have accepted an offer of a place to study, and applied for accommodation by 30 June, then you will be guaranteed accommodation. Please note that although accommodation is not allocated and offered until early July, it is allocated on a first come, first served basis so that if you want a particular type of room you are advised to apply early.

All postgraduate accommodation on campus is for single occupancy and is let for 51 weeks (This letting period may not suit everyone, and if you want a shorter period you should seek off-campus accommodation). There are three types of room available: rooms with or without a wash-basin (with shared bathroom facilities within the block) and rooms with en suite facilities (use of own shower, wash-basin and toilet). All rooms are furnished and students have access to shared kitchen facilities for self-catering. Students are expected to provide their own bed linen (sheets, pillowcases and towels), crockery, cooking utensils and cutlery.

The annual fees for accommodation in 2006/2007 range from L2,835 for a room without a wash-basin to L4,415 for a room with en suite shower, toilet and wash-basin facilities. Students will be required to send an advance payment when an offer of a room is made, to secure the accommodation.

All student rooms are fitted with a telephone operated by Key-Com. The service is operated on a pre-paid arrangement by phone card, which can be topped up as you use your telephone. All telephones can be used for internal calls without charge, and can receive incoming calls. All rooms have a computer link installed. The service is run internally by Keele Information Services and residents can sign up to the HallsNet service. The cost is lower than using a telephone service.

The Accommodation Services website can be found here.

For further details please contact:

Mrs Julie Best
Student Accommodation Services
Keele University
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1782 584150

Accommodation – Off Campus

Unfortunately the University does not provide family accommodation on the campus. The Student Accommodation Services can help with lists of houses off the campus available to let. We strongly advise you to contact the Student Accommodation Services as early as possible for details. Alternatively you can access details on the following website:

We recommend that students with families travel to Keele alone a few weeks before the beginning of the course, when single accommodation can be rented at Keele on a temporary basis to enable you to seek suitable housing for your family.

For further details please contact:

Mrs Julie Best
Student Accommodation Services
Keele University
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1782 584150


Keele is dedicated to supporting and participating in the arts – from the Drama Society performing Shakespeare al fresco in the summer, through live bands and top-quality DJs in the Students’ Union, to the international calibre of the Keele Concerts Society. Musical students can join and perform with any number of classical to contemporary groups, or for a quieter pursuit, visit the Art Gallery in the Chancellor’s Building.

Childcare and Schooling

The children of staff and students can be looked after in the University’s well-equipped, purpose-built nursery, run by qualified staff and registered by Staffordshire Social Services and OFSTED. The nursery can accommodate up to 124 children from the age of three months to five years. It also offers an after-school club and holiday playschemes for children from four to eleven years.

Keele has ample, conveniently located facilities for primary, secondary and tertiary education. St John’s School in Keele village takes children aged 5-11 years. Secondary and tertiary education is provided in nearby Newcastle-under-Lyme and Madeley.

Further details are available on request from:

The Chief Education Officer
County Education Offi ces
Tipping Street
ST16 2DH

Disability Support

The University welcomes applications from students with disabilities. We encourage you to discuss any issues you might have with our Disability Advisers prior to making an application for study, and if you have a mobility impairment we suggest that you make a visit to the campus at an early stage. This will enable you to make an informed choice about the suitability of the institution. We have a programme of improvements to the environment but we are a large campus set on a hill and you should see the environment for yourself. We are gradually increasing the number of accessible rooms in halls of residence but once they are full we will not be able to guarantee you an accessible room.

For further details please contact:

Disability Services and Learning Support
Keele University

Tel: +44 (0) 1782 584105

Eating and Shopping

Keele offers plenty of places to eat and to meet, including an exciting dining complex in the Chancellor’s Building – Comus Restaurant, the award-winning Le Café coffee shop and Vite & Eat takeaway. You can pay by cash or by Keele Card – a ‘cashless purse’ which can be loaded with cash by direct debit and which entitles you to a discount on food and drinks. There are no compulsory meal plans, and there is a written quality commitment. The Keele Postgraduate Association runs a bar specifically for the postgraduate community. There is a shopping complex in the centre of the campus, consisting of a newsagent and stationer’s, bookshop, supermarket, insurers, a bank and a student Travel Centre.

Graduate School
The Graduate School is the university-wide organisation which has overall responsibility for research students. It works closely with the Research Institutes to ensure that all research students are provided with a high quality programme. Students taking MRes programmes are likely to be involved in some Graduate School activities.

All students living away from home are advised to register with a GP. The medical practice on campus offers a full range of services and will be pleased to help. If you are under medical treatment or suffering from any disability you are asked to report to the University’s Medical Officer as soon as possible, bringing with you any relevant information from your own doctor. The campus dental service is under the charge of a full-time Dental Officer.

UK/EU - Keele University Bursaries
Some Schools in the University have their own schemes for bursaries which they are able to offer to prospective students. In order to find out what opportunities there might be available to support your study, you should look at the Postgraduate Office website.
Information Services (Library and Computing)

Keele Information Services (KIS), located in the centre of the campus, offers comprehensive library and computing/IT services.

The Library includes a wide range of print and electronic resources to support postgraduate work across the University, including over 6,000 electronic journals many of which can be accessed off campus. Through our inter-library loans service you can also draw on the resources of other libraries throughout the UK and abroad. The Library is a member of several national access schemes such as UK Libraries Plus and SCONUL Research Extra which enable postgraduate students to use and borrow from most other academic libraries in the UK, which may be more convenient for you if you live at a distance from Keele.

KIS also provides computing support for the University. The Computing Services department, within KIS, provides network connections to all buildings on campus, including student accommodation, and to University facilities at the hospital site. There are banks of open-access PCs and printing facilities in many buildings, and in the Library there are also PC-equipped teaching rooms. All members of the University can use these facilities, and all registered users receive an e-mail address, access to centrally-licensed, up-to-date software, archived file storage space, access to a range of printers, including colour, and free Internet access. Staff provide training and support to users, and there is a Help Desk in the Library.

The University Leisure Centre is one of the largest dry leisure complexes in the area and has excellent indoor and outdoor sports facilities. There are 46 acres of playing fields for grass hockey, soccer, rugby, netball, tennis and cricket, amongst other sports, and a fl oodlit synthetic grass hockey pitch and training area. Inside, the Leisure Centre has a modern, well-equipped Fitness Centre run by specialist staff, and facilities for squash, aeroball, badminton, netball, five-a-side football, basketball, volleyball, judo, boxing, yoga, karate and aerobics, and a climbing wall. Instruction classes, many taught in liaison with the Athletic Union, are offered in a variety of popular activities.

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